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Can double roller granulator make bentonite or organic fertilizer pellets?


What Kind Of Fertilizer Can Double Roller Press Pelletizer Produce?Double roller granulator is favored by many fertilizer manufacturers, especially for NPK granules making plants. Because it makes fertilizer granulation finshing quickly at a low investment. The machine adopts dry granulation method, which mainly makes use of the physical extrusion force between two rollers to turn chemical powder into pellets. In addition, if you want to start a organic fertilizer granulation project, it can also fully meet your requirements. Besides double roller press granulator, we also can provide you with corresponding equipment to form a industrial double roller granulation line for fertilizer manufacturing!

In order to supply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to crops in a balanced way, it is essential to process NPK fertilizer into granules. Here,double roller granulation equipment is an ideal choice.Whether you want to prepare 20-20-20,20-10-10 or other NPK fertilizer granules, it can finish the task quickly and easily.Double roller granulator is also widely used in snow remove agent making.
Because after granulation, snow remover is not only more effective, but also easier for packaging,transportation and storage. In addition,using this extrusion pellet making machine, you can turn snow melting agent into granules at a lower cost.
Can double roller granulator make bentonite/organic fertilizer pellets?Of course. Only the moisture content of the material is lower than 20%. Many powder materials can be processed into fertilizer pellets with roller press granulator. Including compost to organic fertilizer granules and bentonite cat litter pellets production, etc