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Can organic fertilizer granules produced by organic fertilizer granulator be dissolved in water?


Some people think that to judge the quality of organic fertilizer is to put organic fertilizer particles into the water, if it can be quickly dissolved in water, then the organic fertilizer is a good organic fertilizer. Is that really the case?

First of all, organic manure is not necessarily completely soluble in water. Organic fertilizer is a kind of decomposed material, that is, all kinds of livestock manure or plant residue, soybean meal cake and so on in the process of accumulation through the action of microorganisms, decomposed into crops available state of nutrients and humus material. The decomposition process of microorganisms is also called maturation fermentation process, which generally adopts accumulation and mulching method to carry out fermentation and maturation until there is no fever or odor. In the organic fertilizer production line this is the preparation stage before granulation. Most substances in organic fertilizers have higher molecular weight, more complex structure, insoluble in water, but have better hydrophilicity. This part of the substance must be decomposed by microorganisms under certain temperature and humidity environmental conditions to decompose the mineral elements in organic fertilizer, so as to promote the absorption rate and utilization rate of fertilizer and improve soil fertility. But organic fertilizers also contain substances of low molecular weight that dissolve in water and make it more suitable for plant growth. As for the quality of organic fertilizer, and organic fertilizer manufacturers choose raw materials, fermentation process and other additional factors are related. Compost turning machine plays an important role in the fermentation process of organic manure. It can adjust the temperature in the fermentation heap and transport oxygen, so as to accelerate the fermentation speed of raw materials. There are many types of compost turner and fertilizer manufacturers should choose the right it for their needs.