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Diversification of organic fertilizer equipment


With more and more types of raw materials for making organic fertilizer granules, the demand for organic fertilizers in the market is also increasing, and some companies have also noticed the importance of production mechanization. Some enterprises are gradually using dryers, dump trucks, screening machines, etc. to replace manpower. The development of organic fertilizer manufacturing equipment has also driven the profits of organic fertilizer manufacturers.

The design of organic fertilizer manufacturing equipment should be based on the growth mode of the main crops in our country, combined with the soil and crop characteristics of farmers, and design organic fertilizer equipment that meets the needs of crops. With the development of the network market, the marketing market is also changing. The development of the organic fertilizer equipment industry is gradually showing a trend of diversification and informatization. The development of equipment has been used in various industries from the initial production of organic fertilizer to the matching fermentation dumper, chicken manure dryer, and semi-wet material grinder.

organic fertilizer production line

The equipment of the organic fertilizer granulator series has also become diversified. There is double roller press granulator that adopt dry granulation, and there are also disc granulator and rotary drum granulator that adopt wet granulation. There are many types of organic fertilizer granulators, which can meet the different needs of various customers.