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Low configuration organic fertilizer production line


Generally speaking, the equipment of the organic fertilizer production line has three configurations: high, medium and low. Today we will briefly talk about the organic fertilizer production line with low configuration.

The low-configuration production line equipment has low price and low cost, but its output is small, so it is suitable for small organic fertilizer production lines. The low configuration of the organic fertilizer production line only need crusher, mixers, granulator, screening machine and packaging machine to complete the production, which belongs to the basic configuration. In this kind of production line, manufacturers usually choose half-wet material crusher. Because the machine uses high-speed rotating blades, it can crush materials efficiently without causing material waste. Such a simple set of equipment costs tens of thousands of dollars, but on this basis, customers can also add equipment according to their actual needs and requirements. Therefore, according to actual needs, the price of a complete set of organic fertilizer production line equipment ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

The higher the configuration of organic fertilizer equipment, the more equipment is needed, but the stability and quality of the produced products are higher. Manufacturers should choose the appropriate production line according to their own needs.