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Moisture requirements of materials in organic fertilizer production line


There are two production processes of dry granulation and wet granulation in the organic fertilizer production line. Different processes have different requirements for the moisture content of materials. For wet granulation, the material is required to have a certain viscosity. After some loose materials are fermented, it is not easy to granulate, so some water or binders have to be added to increase the viscosity of the materials. The organic fertilizer equipment of this method includes disc granulator, flat die granulator and drum granulator, etc. During the granulation process, water or binder is added to ensure that the material can be granulated.

Dry granulation is mainly aimed at products with relatively low moisture in materials, and generally a moisture content below 10% is a zero threshold. (There are also very few materials that can reach 16%, such as: some materials only contain crystal water) Dry granulation produces mostly irregular granules, similar to the oblate shape of almonds. Dry granulation does not require additional additives, but only needs to use the intermolecular forces of the material itself, which simplifies the process and reduces energy consumption. Double roller press granulator is the main representative equipment of dry granulation. Double roller press granulator extrudes powdery materials, and integrates granulation, crushing and product screening into one, with compact structure and convenient operation. Double roller press granulator is suitable for high, medium and low concentration fertilizers, without drying, and can be produced at room temperature. In the organic fertilizer production line, dry granulation consumes less energy than wet granulation and is more environmentally friendly. It does not need to be dried again, and does not need to add water and binders, so it will not change the properties of the material. This is also the major advantage of dry granulation compared with wet granulation, which is more suitable for large-scale industrial mass production.