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What are the planning and site requirements for building a small organic fertilizer equipment plant



In China, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards and the basic solution of the problem of food and clothing, high-yield and high-quality agricultural products and health food have become the urgent needs of the current society and agricultural production. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture held a green food working conference in 1990 to promote the development and production of pollution-free healthy food. This conference set off a green revolution in China's agriculture and food processing industry. The document of the State Council on the development of green food points out that "the development of green food (non polluting food) has a far-reaching impact on protecting the ecological environment, improving the quality of agricultural products, promoting the development of the food industry, improving human health, and increasing the export of agricultural products to earn foreign exchange". The State Council clearly proposed to promote "ecological agriculture" in the ten countermeasures for ecological environment protection in China.

Biological organic fertilizer processed by organic fertilizer equipment is rich in nutrient elements and has long-lasting fertilizer effect, which can achieve the purpose of increasing production and income. Bio organic fertilizer is a total nutrient fertilizer, which not only contains a large amount of organic matter and three major elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also contains a variety of medium and trace elements and a variety of organic compounds necessary for plant growth, and also contains a large number of beneficial microorganisms. It has both quick effect and long effect; It is a new type of bio organic fertilizer that can not only fully meet the nutritional needs of crops, but also have the functions of water conservation, fertilizer conservation, slow release, soil improvement, biological activation and biological control. The formula is novel and unique, with incomparable advantages of single chemical fertilizer, single organic fertilizer and single microbial fertilizer.

The plan for building an organic fertilizer equipment plant is to produce 10000 tons of biological organic fertilizer (granular material) per year, with a daily output of 30-35t, 120-140m of fermented fertilizer and 150-175m of raw materials, calculated on the basis of 300 days of production per year. Based on 15 days of fermentation, the volume of the fermentation tank is 2250-2650m, and the tipping machine occupies 28In of the tank. The total volume of the fermentation tank is 2300-2700m, so it is recommended to build two 120m tanks × 8m × 1.2m fermentation tank.