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Why we need to use manure dewatering machine in organic fertilizer production line?


Animal manure is the most common material for organic fertilizer production line, because it contains rich nutrients which are beneficial for the growth of crops and plants. But when you use fresh manure as fertilizer, it is necessary to remove excessive water from manure. Why? In general,there are two reasons as follows:                                                                     
Making manure suitable for organic fertilizer composting
The reason why we cannot use animal manure as fertilizer directly is that it contains many pathogens, pest eggs and grass seeds. They are harmful to the soil and will affect the healthy growth of crops. So you need to compost manure before preparing organic fertilizer.In this process, it is essential to control the moisture content of manure between 40% and 60%.Which can meet the needs of water supply for aerobic fermentation and will not block the transport of oxygen.   
Making manure easy to transport
In addition, fresh manure is a mixture of liquid and solids, so it is not convenient to transport to composting area. Especially cow dung, pig manure, etc. After processing with manure dehydrator, the solid animal manure will be separated from liquid and its moisture content can be reduced to 30%-40%. Only by driving forklifts can you transport manure to fertilizer composting area quickly and easily.     
For organic fertilizer production line, there are various materials for your choice. For animal manure, you can use chicken manure, pig litter, cow dung,etc. Can manure dewatering machine process all of them? Of course. We can provide you with the most suitable manure solid-liquid separator according to your material.          
After feeding, it will start removing excessive water from manure. But as mentioned above, there are two types of manure dewatering machines, and they are different in dewatering methods. Screw type dehydrator only makes use of screw rotation part and sieve to extrude feeding manure. However,when it comes to inclined screen solid-liquid separator. It will separate solid manure from the liquid before starting extrusion. 

After dewatering, can manure be used as organic fertilizer directly? The answer is no. You need to further process it into compost. Because it still contains many pathogens, parasite eggs and grass seeds, which are harmful for the soil and not suitable for quality manure fertilizer production.Then, after manure composting, there are two choices for you.  Making compost into powder organic fertilizer,Processing compost into granular organic fertilizer.
In addition, when you want to make more profits from organic fertilizer production line , we also can provide you with compost granulation line. It will turn manure compost into organic fertilizer pellets. Hence, it needs a more complex procedure. After converting manure into powder organic fertilizer,it will further process it with mixer, granulator, dryer, cooler, coating machine and bagging equipment. Therefore, the final manure organic fertilizer is more convenient to transport, store and use.